¡Transforma Tu Vieja Ropa en Alpargatas Modernas y Sostenibles!

Transform Your Old Clothes into Modern and Sustainable Espadrilles!

What if I told you that your old favorite shirt could be transformed into a pair of ultra-modern espadrilles? Yes, you heard right! In a world where recycling and sustainable fashion are becoming increasingly important, recycling fabric to make espadrilles is both an ecological and stylish idea. Recycle your fabric to add a unique and personal touch to your look while making a gesture for the planet! 

I. Why Recycle Fabric?

Did you know? Every year, tons of textiles end up in landfills. Recycling your fabric can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. By choosing this solution, you contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of waste.

In addition to its environmental impact, recycling fabric has undeniable personal advantages. Recycle your fabric to create unique pieces that reflect your personality. You can transform memories into everyday objects, adding an emotional dimension to your creations.

II. Why Choose Our Recycling Service?

Recycling your fabric is a noble initiative, but we know that not everyone has the time or skills to make their own espadrilles. That's where our service comes into play. We take care of the entire transformation process for you.

Lluisa Moya transforms your old fabrics into elegant and comfortable espadrilles. Recycle your fabric by sending it to us, and we'll take care of the rest. Enjoy our experience to get personalized shoes effortlessly.

III. How Does Our Service Work?

Recycle your fabric with our service in three simple steps:

Send your fabric:

Select the fabrics you want to recycle. Recycle your fabric by sending them directly through our website.


Recycle your fabric to see your materials transformed into magnificent espadrilles. We ensure an impeccable finish and optimal comfort.

Receive your espadrilles:

In a few weeks, receive your new espadrilles directly to your home. Recycle your fabric for unique shoes that tell your story. IV. The Advantages of Our Service

By choosing our service, you benefit from numerous advantages. Recycle your fabric with us to enjoy artisanal quality, customization and simplicity.

Craftsmanship quality:

Recycle your fabric to obtain espadrilles handmade with care and experience. We use traditional techniques to ensure the durability and comfort of each pair. Personalization:

Each pair of espadrilles is unique. Recycle your fabric to add a personal touch to your wardrobe. Choose from a variety of styles and finishes. Simplicity:

The process is simple and uncomplicated. Recycle your fabric in a few clicks and let us take care of the rest. You just have to wait for your new shoes at home.

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